Family Choice Healthcare COVID-19 Preparedness

Family Choice Healthcare COVID-19 Preparedness

The novel coronavirus (COVID-19) affects each and every one of us, and we recognize that our clients are among the most vulnerable. Thank you for the trusting us to care for your loved ones.

Home health care is proving to be an essential option for older adults.  Family Choice Healthcare has been a home health care provider for over 24 years and we truly believe that homecare is the safest and most effective way to minimize exposure.  Since 1996, we have provided non-medical, customized and flexible care plans to help older adults age in place safely and comfortably.

Fortunately, the nature of home health care allows for social distancing and minimal outside interactions, but we still take extra care when working in the client’s home.  Experts continue to learn more about the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) and it is important to know that we hold all of our employees to the highest standards, keep them up-to-date and ensure strict adherence to CDC, WHO and Federal, State and local guidelines.

Steps We Are Taking

  • Our employees wear appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) at all times, which may include masks, face shields, gloves and gowns.
  • Increased handwashing and hand-sanitizing practices to be performed at regular times throughout the day.
  • Established daily screenings for all home care employees, and established policies and procedures for employees to report any signs of illness, and to stay home when sick.
  • Clean and disinfect homes during all visits.
  • All home care employees are trained on disease and infection control.
  • Ensure that all employees are well aware of signs and symptoms of novel coronavirus (COVID-19) and know how to quickly respond.

We are ready and willing to constantly evolve these steps.

Steps You Can Take As Caregivers and Patients

  • Stay home as often as possible.
  • Practice social distancing when you must leave the house, such as keeping at least 6 feet between yourself and any other persons and avoiding any large groups of people.
  • Avoid contact with those who are sick, or who may have been in contact with sick persons.
  • Wash hands often and avoid touching your face.
  • When out of the house, always wear a protective face mask that covered your mouth and nose.
  • Clean and disinfect your home daily (doorknobs, toilets, keyboards, cell phones, faucets, light switches).
  • Make sure anyone coming in contact with the patient is following these strict guidelines as well.
  • Educate yourself on signs and symptoms and know how to respond.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out and contact your local Family Choice Healthcare team.  The safety and well-being of our clients and their caregivers are our top priority, and we do not take lightly the trust that you place in us every single day.

For Additional Information about Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Center for Disease Control (CDC)

Index Resources

Guidance for Home Healthcare Workers

Household Checklist

Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) FAQs

Cases, Data & Surveillance

Travel Information

National Association for Home Care & Hospice

Coronavirus Resources

Coronavirus COVID-19 Homecare and Hospice Checklist

American Red Cross

Steps to Protect Against COVID-19

Maryland-National Capital Homecare Association

Maryland-National Capital Homecare Association

American Association of Retired Persons (AARP)

Family Caregiving During COVID-19

Let’s get started!

Give us a call and let’s discuss how we can be of assistance.