Grandparents greet the family at the door

As the holiday season approaches, you may be gearing up to visit an aging loved one for the first time in a while.  With the COVID-19 pandemic making both local and long distance visits more difficult, it’s a good idea to make the most of your quality time together by also taking the opportunity to assess their wellbeing.

This has been a hectic year for everyone, and as you visit with your elderly parents, neighbors or friends, you may want to gauge where they are at by keeping an eye out for the following red flags and warning signs.

Physical Appearance

Reading to Mother through masksIf you notice that your loved one doesn’t appear to be maintaining basic grooming and hygiene practices, this may be an indication that they are struggling either physically or mentally.  Depression, deteriorating physical condition and even dementia may be to blame for not taking care of themself.

Noticeable weight loss is another thing to take seriously.  Small fluctuations are normal for people of all ages, but if you notice a major difference, a host of issues could be to blame.  It may indicate that they are struggling to cook for themselves or having difficulty shopping and running errands.  Or, it may be a sign of something more serious such as dementia, depression, malnutrition or terminal illness.

Notable Memory Loss

Take note of any major signs of mental impairment and memory loss.  Just as with their physical appearance, the goal isn’t to judge or criticize but rather to evaluate the health and safety of your aging loved ones and take note of whether or not they seem to be making daily life difficult and/or unsafe.  Do they seem to repeat themselves frequently, become easily confused or have a hard time following basic instructions?  All of these could be warning signs of early dementia, medication side effects or some other underlying condition.

See also  What is In-Home Care?

Clues Around the Home

young man helping grandpaCheck out the entire home for signs of difficulty that your loved one may be having with managing their household.  Look for clues such as scorched pots, piles of unpaid bills or neglected household chores.  Would you consider the living conditions to be sanitary?  A slight neglect of housework is common, however if bathrooms are filthy, heat isn’t working properly or lights don’t work, it could point to depression, dementia or deteriorating physical health.

Level of Social Connection

Particularly during this year of increased social isolation, it is important to note how this has affected your aging loved ones.  Do they seem to still maintain any level of social interaction such as phone calls with friends, Zoom chats with family members or small socially distanced get togethers?  Have they maintained any hobbies or interests, or do they seem to have a dramatically different mood than usual?

If you notice any of these red flags, it may be an indication that your loved one needs additional assistance in the form of in home care.  It’s important to take these things seriously and not wait too long before reaching out for help.  Particularly if you live out of state, you will want to have the assurance that your loved ones are safe, healthy, happy and comfortable.

Young Woman Helping Grandfather Use a TabletHome care agencies provide support not only for elderly clients, but for their family members as well.  Knowing that you are working with an agency that you can trust for guidance and assistance is absolutely essential to everyone’s wellbeing.  Agencies, such as Family Choice Healthcare, can also provide advice on how to talk to the elderly about the importance of in home care and how it will dramatically improve their quality of life.